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NHWA Official Blog

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The current financial opportunity?

I don't want to look at the news. The stock market is bouncing around more than a golf ball on a cart path. The interest rates being paid by the banks...why even bother? My 401k is now a 201f. My house isn't worth what I paid for it. Now, I know I am not alone in this situation because a lot of my friends and family share the same worries and problems that I do. My problems aren't special. I talk to so many people who are in business for themselves, or are in the corporate world. They feel either trapped or terrified. Our parents always seemed to do the same job or have the same career for all of their adult lives. They settled in to a "comfort zone" and rarely took chances on a new direction for their lives. Our generation (and that of our kids) tells a much different story. Nowadays, it's not so strange for people to have four or even five different career changes during their working years. And as technology and constant communication evolve, so do the possibilities that we are presented with. New challenges that we are faced with sometimes almost dare us to change or switch directions every once in a while.

By 2005, I knew that I was burnt out by corporate life. I also knew that I desperately needed a big change. I knew that with my personality and experience, I would be an instant success in whatever I took on! I couldn't lose. Please stop laughing. No...seriously...stop. Thank you.  OK, so I was a little naive. If it were that easy, everybody would be doing it. Wouldn't they? I started Coastal Carolina Home Watch in Murrells Inlet, SC. I am happy to say that I am not only still in business, but I am also feeling pretty good about my future.

Home Watch does seem to be a choice for a lot of people like myself: those who are looking for alternatives. You would be amazed at how many Home Watch companies are Chapter Two in the lives of  people in similar situations. People who wanted to retire, but not really retire. People who may have left the work force a little too early. People who are always looking for that next "new" challenge. People observant enough to see "what is not there... but really should be." These people see an opportunity and realize that Home Watch is a much-needed service that should be made available to absentee homeowners. No doubt about it: they have looked at the possibilities and studied, planned things out and have taken steps to try and guarantee a more secure future for themselves. Instead of waiting to see what might happen to their investments, they have taken a new and exciting direction in their lives.

Home Watch is a great opportunity for the right person. And we have a very big need for accredited members.  We currently have consumer requests for: Saratoga Springs, NY;  Greenville, SC; Northern NJ; North Shore of Chicago; Atlanta, GA;  Minneaoplis, MN; Scottsdale, AZ; Santa Barbara, CA; Kiawah Island, SC; East Hampton, NY; and Puget Sound, WA.

Much success,


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