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NHWA Official Blog

Stay up to date with the National Home Watch Association and the Home Watch Industry.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boca Condo Carehere

Greetings and salutations.

I would like to welcome Donna Hoey and Boca Condo Care  of Boca Raton, Florida to the NHWA. Donna has 25 years of experience in ownership and property management in Florida. She is a licensed CAM (community association manager). Her experience as a member of an HOA Board of Directors gives her a unique insight as to what part-time residents deal with during their absence. Donna is very excited about her "new" business, as she has been actually checking on neighbors and friend's homes for years. Donna also checks in on the elderly who live in her service area, which is an invaluable service for people with parents living in Boca Raton. We wish her the best of luck, and will be here to support Boca Condo Care in the future. Please visit the website at The phone is  (561) 289-7364. Please let her know that you saw this blog when you welcome her.

Thanks for reading. As always, I wish you

Much success,


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Let's talk about your neighbor....

Greetings and salutations!

Let's talk about your neighbor. Huh? Your neighbor, ya' know, the one that checks on your place when you are out of town. Nice guy, but is he insured to check on your house? It's a lot to ask of someone, whether you know it or not. I mean, what if he misses something, or he makes a mistake and does something wrong? No, not on purpose, but something dumb happens, and that leads to a big(ger) problem. Sure he feels bad about it, but what are you going to do...yell at him? He's your neighbor, and he was doing you a favor. What if a storm is on the way, or a break-in happens? Another consideration: your privacy. Do you really want a neighbor to have total access to your private things?

These are all great reasons to hire an accredited Home Watch company. Accreditation in the National Home Watch Association guarantees assures the client that they are protected by insurance, bonding and of course, privacy. Check out our Member search, and if you don't see a Member in your area, ask your local guys why they aren't accredited.

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Looking Ahead in 2013

Greetings and salutations.

I am feeling confident. Yes, I am. 2013 looks to be a transformative year for the NHWA. At just a little over two years old, the NHWA is now represented from Alaska to Florida. Our membership is growing steadily, and the interest in our organization is much stronger than last year. We are set (finally) to launch our brand-new and improved Website. For those who have not seen our new logo and marketing materials, I urge you to visit and like our Facebook page. The new look and Website will be easier to navigate, offer an Accredited Members section, but more importantly will promote our industry in a clear and more direct way. Education of the public as to what Home Watch is remains a top priority for us at the NHWA.  This is also the year that we will be able to gather and publish good and accurate data to our Accredited Members. This is incredibly important if our industry is to make strides with insurance providers, lending institutions and the federal government. Members can look forward to online training through the use of webinars and increased newsletters that will have timely information about the Home Watch industry. In 2013, we will continue to educate the real estate industry as to the importance of Home Watch. In the next few weeks, we will be announcing the details about our first Annual NHWA National Conference, to be held in Myrtle Beach in the Fall of 2013. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know ASAP. On behalf of all of us here at the NHWA, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. May it be filled with happiness, good health and, as always,

Much success,
