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NHWA Official Blog

Stay up to date with the National Home Watch Association and the Home Watch Industry.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Companies are responding. Plus: Indiana joins the Association.

In my last blog post, I talked about insurance companies and how they don't really understand what we do. This translates to higher premiums and possibly the incorrect coverage. We are currently compiling names of insurance providers who do insure Home Watch. If you'd like to share the name of your company, we'd really appreciate it. I've been contacted in the past by some insurance brokers who were interested in being recognized by the NHWA. If you can help our members (and future members), give us a call. All information will be made available to our members.

BIG NEWS!  I want to congratulate Max Henig of Holiday Home Watch for becoming our first accredited member in the Great State of Indiana. Max has agreed to follow the Code of Ethics and Mission Statement of The NHWA. Holiday Home Watch serves the greater Indianapolis area. I will write more about his company when the site is up and running, which I am told will be very soon. But for now you can e-mail him at

Shhhh! I am keeping something kinda quiet right now, but word has it there's a company that's very close to having a working prototype for a completely interactive Home Watch software program. My source tells me that it will work on all "smartphones" as well as your desktop. My source also tells me that it will do everything but the inspection itself.  Well...maybe not quite everything.  I'll let you know more when I know more.

'Til then...stay cool.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Busy time for Coastal Carolina Home Watch

Greetings, Home Watchers.

As the owner of my own Home Watch company, I have been really busy. (This is a good thing.) That's why I haven't been blogging for a couple of weeks. I have been expanding some of my services and streamlining others. As you probably know, having a business is a juggling act. Especially in today's economy. In order to be successful, you need to constantly monitor and adapt your Home Watch business to your customer's current needs and your business model. If you are smart, you will also try to anticipate changes and trends, so you can stay ahead of the curve (and your competition...).  There are many different opportunities to increase your bottom line and your customer's dependence on your services. Interested in knowing more?

I am also working on a page dedicated to the Canadian Home Watch industry. Google tells me that the companies north of the border are visiting our site very frequently. There are people in Saskatchewan who have viewed the site 10 times in the last 20 days. Quebec, BC and Nova Scotia seem very curious also. Any suggestions for the Canadian info page will be greatly appreciated.

New member applications also continue to come in. Our "how-to" guide is helping start-up companies build their businesses intelligently and ethically. We at the NHWA are looking to build the membership while maintaining the very highest standards. This process is a marathon...not a sprint. Let's take our time and do it right. If you are serious about the Home Watch industry, become a member. Accreditation definitely means something, because prospective customers from Minnesota, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and New Hampshire have contacted us looking for members to hire. And that was in the last 30 days. The NHWA is not going away; it is becoming more and more visible. Being a member is an exclusive selling tool that only members can use when signing new customers. So take a look at the NHWA again. If we can protect our industry, we protect our futures.

As always, I wish you

Much success.
