Jack Luber, Executive Director |
Greetings and Salutations!
I hate to complain about a little lousy weather and rain, but I am going to. When I moved to the beach from New Jersey back in 2005, I thought I was leaving snow, ice, and cold, nasty weather behind. Sure, I'd have to wear a coat once in a while, but I could deal with that. And, for the first few years, the weather cooperated. It seems to have gone downhill over the past few years. But who could have predicted this winter? Certainly not the weathermen and women, who get paid to guess. These people can be wrong 60% of the time, and still get paid. I wish I had that kind of gig....
I wanted to update you on a couple of things. First of all, we just announced the dates for the 2014 NHWA Conference. Once again, we will be in beautiful Myrtle Beach at Broadway at the Beach. Thinks will kick off on Thursday evening, September the 18th, with a cocktail party. Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th will be packed with lots of knowledge, technology, and hopefully a lot of sharing of information. Saturday night will feature a great dinner, and Sunday we'll recap over breakfast. This year we have decided that two complete days are in order, especially after last year's crowd asked to start earlier so we could cover more ground. And after last year's freaky cold weather in October, we have moved it to September, when the ocean is still in the high 70s and the golf courses are absolutely perfect. We'll be releasing the details soon, but attendance will be limited to the first 50 companies. Call us at (843) 357-6660 or email us at info@nationalhomewatchassociation.org for more information or to make reservations. Join us!
On the insurance front, the NHWA-endorsed Home Watch general liability policy is now in place, with at least 35 companies signing on since it was introduced in mid-2013. I was finally able to take advantage of the policy, when my current coverage was ready to renew. To be actually covered for Home Watch services is a very satisfying feeling. And I saved about $800 a year. Actually, I saved a lot more, because this policy includes E&O (professional liability). I used to pay close to $2,000 a year for that alone. If you are interested in learning more about this coverage, let us know.
One last thing: With the amount of new Home Watch businesses opening, and given the fact that there are no rules that the industry is required to follow, please be careful out there. We were recently made aware of an unfortunate incident in Florida, where a company owner was arrested while he was breaking into a house that he did not belong in. The cops even had to use a taser gun on him...three times! Hello? Seriously? Now you all know that some of the companies operating in your area might not be insured and bonded, and may not be the kind of business that you want people equating with yours, while representing your livelihood. I have been saying for years that it is not a matter of if someone gives us a black eye, but when. Remember that NHWA accreditation means that your company has been vetted and checked out, and you have agreed to maintain only the highest ethics and standards in the Home Watch industry. That is why we can endorse you,and that means something to the public.
Be well, and thanks for reading.
As always, I wish you
Much success,