Jack Luber Executive Director |
Greetings and salutations!
I am very happy to announce that Salo Home Watch of Gloucester, MA and the Cape Anne area has once again qualified for accreditation. Dana Salo is a very active member of, and a big cheerleader for the NHWA. I have had the pleasure of spending time with Dana during his trip to "pick my brain" back in November of last year. Dana is a 30 year veteran of the US Postal Service and was the President of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 33 for 8 years. He chose to leave that position in 2011 to devote more time to Salo Home Watch.
Dana started Salo Home Watch back in 2009. He and his brother had been doing a lot of clean-out work for some local Realtors. While he was out on his postal route, he would pass a lot of empty homes. But he would have to deliver junk mail to them, even though he knew the owners weren't there. And junk mail buildup is an obvious sign that a house is empty. He spoke with Realtor friends who informed him that some clients had asked them if there was anything like Home Watch available, and there was not. Salo Home Watch was born 5 months later. After his first year in business, Dana reached out to me because he saw the need for a national organization. Dana's enthusiasm for the NHWA really meant a lot to me. He has actually met with a potential member to help him get started with his business. I have asked Dana to serve on our Advisory Board, and he has agreed. Says Dana: "I am proud to be a member of NHWA and look forward to working with its leadership to make it the best it can be.”
Dana is a
1983 graduate of Northeastern University in Boston, with a BS in Criminal Justice. He and his wife Karen have two daughters. I hope to meet them at our upcoming National Conference. Dana can be reached at SaloHomeWatch@comcast.net. You can visit his website at http://salohomewatch.com/.
Thanks for your support, Dana. You know I wish y'all
Much success!