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NHWA Official Blog

Stay up to date with the National Home Watch Association and the Home Watch Industry.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Why are some Home Watch businesses failing?

Greetings and Happy Holidays!

The NHWA sent out a mailing to 250 Home Watch businesses last week. They were sent to companies that we have contacted in the past about possible membership. I know that a great number of those who received the mailer visited the site afterwards. I have gotten responses from some, nothing from others and, unfortunately, some "return to sender" (approximately 6%). The return to senders are disappointing for a few reasons. Why did these businesses fail? Poor planning and management? Sub-par marketing? Shoddy service? Sadly, we will never know. Of course the question becomes: "How can these closings affect my company?" Huh? What could this have to do with my company? Think about it:  based on the quality of work they performed and the way the company closed down affects the reputation of Home Watch in general. And that can affect your company big time! If the failed company didn't live up to their clients' expectations and left them in the lurch, you'd better believe that they have lost confidence in our industry. I have received a few communications from folks this has happened to. The problem is that there are no accredited companies in those areas. When we get inquiries from clients looking for an NHWA member and there are none in their area, we always reach out to any local HW company we can find. Some of you may have even heard from us.

Getting back to possible reasons for these companies failing might certainly be:
  • Lack of a support system
  • Failure to be able to get good advice
  • Throwing good money after bad in areas like marketing or products that they thought made sense at the time
  • Not adapting to obvious changes in their market
  • Bad branding
  • Lack of networking
  • Insurance troubles
  • Less than adequate service
The possible reasons are many. The truth is that we won't really ever know about those particular businesses, because they never shared the reasons with us. Bottom line: Sharing information is good. It strengthens your foundation and maybe, just maybe, keeps you from wasting money and time on an idea that has been tried in other areas. Maybe it worked after someone tried this, or we tried this, this and this, and it didn't work. What about learning of cost-saving moves specifically for HW businesses? With the challenges facing all small businesses today, doesn't it make sense to try to increase your chances, rather than decrease them?
I will assure you that becoming an NHWA Member can only help your company. Unless, of course, you wouldn't agree to maintain high ethics and standards. Or choose not to carry proper insurance. In that case, your business would never earn accreditation with the NHWA.

Much success,


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Goals for the NHWA

Greetings and salutations to all.

As 2011 winds down, we need to look ahead to the challenges and obstacles facing our industry. Speaking with Members from all over the United States, I am constantly reminded of why the NHWA was formed: To raise standards in the Home Watch industry; to educate the public as to what Home Watch is; and to protect the public from unscrupulous and un- or underinsured companies claiming to be Home Watch professionals. Let's face it ... sooner or later, someone doing Home Watch will mess up and give our industry a black eye. An uninsured service will goof and be liable for damages and not have the means to make things right. As quickly as we (the industry) are growing, we will eventually be scrutinized by some government agency who will look to regulate us.

The NHWA has been researching NAICS codes. These codes are assigned by the U.S. Census Bureau to businesses and industries categorizing what they make or what services they perform. Because our services do not fall into one category, we don't have our own code. Why is this important? Well, for one thing, it explains the disparity in our insurance premiums and, in certain circumstances, in our ability to procure insurance at all. Did you have to jump through hoops when you were starting out? Did you know that a majority of Home Watch services are listed under the government code for "guard, detective and armed car services"? Others are listed under "janitorial services," "farms," "real estate and managers," and the old standby, "non-classified services." I would bet the ranch that there are a lot of Home Watch companies who are paying a lot more for insurance than they should be. I had a long and informative conversation with the Census Bureau in Washington last week. I found out that if we start lobbying for a classification now, it won't even be up for discussion until 2013 for the 2016 new listings. What do we do until this happens?

And then there is something that is a "no-brainer" to me and all the companies I am in contact with. Why are insurance companies not incentivizing all customers who employ Home Watch? If a legitimate service is checking on an empty home, how can that not reduce the chances of an insurance company having to pay out larger and more frequent claims to these homeowners? If there is an issue that can be rectified sooner rather than later, how can this not be worthy of a discount for the homeowner?

These are some of the issues that need to be addressed, issues which if dealt with can not only solidify market share amongst us, but more importantly, add even more credibility and value to what we do. I ask for your help and input in tackling these obstacles, in making things better for all of us. As always, I wish you

Much success,


Friday, November 11, 2011

Things won't change unless you change them!

Greetings and salutations!

It's that time of the year again. The malls are crowded, the shoppers get stressed, and I try to figure out what gifts to get my wife that she won't return. Every year I try to start early so I don't drive myself crazy the day before the holiday. My expectations of succeeding are not very good. Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”  What the heck does he know? Evidently, a whole lot. Sure, luck does smile on us once in a while. But someone else (I'm not sure who) said, "Luck is the result of good planning and creative design." 

Where am I going with this? Why the quotes and platitudes? I'll tell you why. Because nothing changes for the good without our own actions and planning. Let's face it. Times are tough, and they don't look like they are going to get better anytime soon. Home Watch businesses from around the country tell me that some clients are cutting back on their services because of the economy. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. As long as you hold onto their "basic services" (i.e., Home Watch itself), things will be all right. Stick with them and don't get negative. With economic conditions as they are, it's time to figure out how to expand your client base. Yeah, I know ... Duh! But I am talking about the potential clients who may not even realize the benefits of your service. They are out there, and in order for your business to grow and stay healthy, you have got to find them. You need to explain how your business will help them, and then sell the value and benefits to them.  It's easy to fall into the trap of waiting for things to get better. I assure you that it is the wrong move ... for you and your business.

Take a positive step. Join the NHWA and start a conversation that could lead to a lot more business. We are currently represented in 15 states and are about to add more. Add credibility while raising your stature. Take advantage of web traffic and qualified leads sent directly to your website. Help us to help you. I'll leave you with one more little saying that I'll never forget:

"When you're green, you grow. When you're ripe, you rot."

As always, I wish you

Much success,


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's been too long...

Yeah, I know, it's been a while since I last blogged. It's true. I have been very busy with my own company's business as well as the NHWA. There is a lot going on. We are set to announce newly accredited members in North Carolina and Alaska. I am also working closely with a gentleman from Florida who is launching a very exciting concept in the Home Watch industry (more to come in the near future). And then there is Skip Williams of Columbia, SC, who is busy tweaking his Home Watch software program (with Coastal Carolina Home Watch testing the prototype) even as you read this blog. The exciting thing about this software is that Home Watch companies will be able to integrate this into their current bookkeeping software. Your inspectors will be able to operate the system with a smartphone or iPad. That will cut down on unnecessary and redundant paperwork and possible costly mistakes that are lost in translation. The bottom line is that things are heating up at the NHWA. When will you get your company on board? If you haven't given it that much thought, you need to know just how much our industry is booming. New companies are popping up all over.

What will separate you from the other guy? What will show your current and future customers that you are different and worth your fees? Accreditation. We continue to receive inquiries from people all over the country looking for "accredited" businesses in their area. It's time to be that business. Get involved in helping us raise standards and ethics in the industry of which we are all a part.

Thanks for reading. And as always, I wish you

Much success,


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The NHWA welcomes Seasons Home Watch of Lake Minnetonka, MN

Greetings and salutations.

Talk about getting things done. Jeff and Rebecca Anderson of Mount, MN purchased the NHWA"s "Guide to Starting a Home Watch Company" on the 17th of August. We had a brief conversation a day later. On September 21st, I received an Email from Jeff:  "Jack - We started a Home Watch business. Hope to have the website up today...."  Well, here they are! Jeff and Rebecca opened Seasons Home Watch late last month and are already doing business. Jeff was born and raised in Edina, MN, and got his BS in geology and his MBA in finance from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He had a 21-year career in corporate finance, including 16 years as comptroller of a company with annual billings of $450 million. In his spare time, Jeff began managing properties for his family. Rebecca is marketing veteran with sales, consulting and accounts management experience. Her resume includes Brinks and Honeywell home security divisions. Put it all together and you have two very driven people who see opportunity and growth potential in the Home Watch industry. The questions and subjects that we spoke of assure me that they are an fine example of what the NHWA is all about. Seasons Home Watch has agreed to follow the mission statement and code of ethics set forth by the NHWA and easily met our bonding, insurance and other safeguard requirements that we insist upon. Jeff and Rebecca have one son, whose name is Dimitri (and who I'm told is the real boss). Seasons serves Lake Minnetonka, MN, and the surrounding areas. The web address is

Welcome aboard. We are here for you.

Jeff and Rebecca Anderson

In other news...the most talked-about concern continues to be liability insurance. I ask all members and mentorees to send us information (both good and bad) about your experiences with insurance brokers and insurance providers. As a matter of fact, I urge you all to share anything you feel is pertinent to our industry. We need to know what issues you are facing out there. Either make comments on the blog or email me at If you make us aware of these issues, we can use our strength and begin to act as an association. There is strength in numbers, and as we grow we can look to effect change that will benefit both the client and the Industry.

As always, I wish you

Much success,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let's talk about the upcoming season ... And, we welcome Home Inspections Plus of Sarasota, FL.

Greetings and salutations.

Are you ready for the new season that is now upon us? I know that I am. Depending on where you are, you are  readying for your major Home Watch season to either begin or end. Some of us are lucky enough to have clients to service year round. Sorry, did I say lucky? There are those who will tell you that luck is nothing more than the result of good planning. I tend to agree. Let's face it: Those who anticipate and prepare for things to come are certainly more easily able to capitalize on opportunities that present themselves. Yeah, I know...easier said than done. But being a professional Home Watch company gives you many opportunities to offer many different services to your clients. What are they, you ask?  That is completely up to you. But I will tell you that being both astute and imaginative will answer that question. At the NHWA, we are committed to bringing our members new ideas by sharing our successes and failures with each other. I always try to learn from my failures and share them with members. If sharing my experiences helps someone else avoid making the same mistakes that I made, then good can come from them. I also believe that just because an idea may not work out, it was not necessarily a bad idea. It  may not have been marketed or implemented incorrectly. Maybe the timing was wrong. We, as members of the NHWA, have the opportunity to share with each other and bounce ideas around. It only makes sense. So if you haven't joined yet: Do it already and join the conversation.

I have been waiting to blog about our newest member in Florida because I wanted a nice bio and picture from them. The problem is...well, they've been so busy with their business that they haven't had time to get them to me. I have them now, so here we go:

Home Inspections Plus of Sarasota has joined the ranks of the NHWA! Jim and Sandra VanSuch have been providing Home Watch services to Sarasota and Manatee Counties since 2005, and recently became accredited members of our organization. Jim's background is in home inspection. Certified and trained by the AHIT (American Home Inspector Training Institute) and an associate member of ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors), Jim brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to HIP (Home Inspections Plus). Sandra, who started the Home Watch service in 2005, is a school teacher and the mother of two (MOT). They are currently the only accredited members of the National Home Watch Association (NHWA) in their part of Florida. Jim and Sandra want their customers feeling secure and confident about their choice of Home Watch companies, and they believe that membership in the NHWA  adds more credibility to their already excellent reputation. Please visit their website at: .

As always I wish you

Much success,


Friday, August 26, 2011

Good Night, Irene!

I don't have a lot of time to blog today because we are really hopping around here. Hurricane Irene is starting to make her presence known here in the Myrtle Beach area of SC. My crews and I have been out for the last couple of days, preparing homes for the storm. Even though the National Weather Service is not expecting anything more than 50-60 mile per hour winds and a whole lot of rain for this area, I prefer to err on the side of caution and be prepared. Many of my customers want to take a "wait and see" approach. I try to dissuade of this attitude. In my opinion, it is a very risky proposition. Absentee homeowners need to keep in mind that they are not your only client. You, as a Home Watch professional, should have a pre-determined plan for storms. This has to include a schedule to perform whatever tasks each home needs in order to protect it properly.  Storm shutter installation and the securing of outdoor furniture and pool/spa equipment (to name a few) must be planned out based upon the amount of warning you are given by the weather authorities. Whether you are performing these services yourself or subbing the work out, you need to make allowances for time, gathering materials, and travel ... and let's not forget the inevitable "surprises" that can throw the proverbial monkey wrench into your well thought-out plan.

I always reach out to customers a few days before the storm is due to inform them of my plans. I will set a day and time for their final response or decision on preparations. If they decline preparations, I make it clear that if they do change their mind close to the anticipated arrival of the storm, there are no guarantees that preparations can actually get done. My team was out doing storm prep when power lines came down nearby during a very heavy downpour. I had them quickly finish what they were doing, and got them back to the office. Safety first ... every time. This particular job was a last-minute request by a homeowner who had originally decided not to take precautions. We were not able to complete the job, and his home is not fully protected. I wish we could have finished, but the homeowner made up his mind too late.

Our business is based on trust and communication. If you feel strongly enough to suggest a plan of action, then make sure you make your opinion known. If the homeowner chooses not to take your advice, document the conversation to cover yourself and your company. Do not accept responsibility for inaction on their part.

Every event should be a learning experience for all involved. I hope to learn better and more efficient ways to perform the task, and hopefully my client will want to be more proactive the next time (if there is a next time).

Be safe out there. And as always...

Much success,


Thursday, August 18, 2011

The "Jersey Shore" joins the NHWA.

Growing up by the ocean in New Jersey, I consider myself to be a member of the original Jersey Shore crew (they called me "The Ridiculous Situation"). Having poked and prodded NJ companies to join up, I am pleased and proud to announce that the Jersey Shore is now represented in the NHWA. No, not that "Jersey Shore!" We'll have none of that! Holly and John Bodin, owners of Coastline Property Watch, now have the only NHWA-accredited Home Watch company in NJ.  (Yeah...I know. What Exit?) The company, which is based out of Ocean City (Exit 26), is gearing up to become the premier property services company in Atlantic and Cape May Counties. When you have a conversation with John and Holly, you can't help but be blown away by their enthusiasm and passion for Home Watch. John's intimate knowledge of local emergency services, as well as the local police, sheriff and fire departments, give Coastline Property Watch a view from many different angles. The Bodins have been operating Coastline Property Management prior to this, giving them the experience and judgment to handle most problems that may arise. Homes on that stretch of beach range from bungalow to mansion.  From retro to ultra-modern, CPW will take care of them all. I predict big things from Coastline. Their website (which is almost complete) is You'll currently find all of their contact info and a list of their services on the site. And look for an announcement in the Press of Atlantic City very soon.

As you know, the NHWA offers a "how-to-start" guide. On Sunday evening, I received an email from PayPal, informing me that there was a guide purchased by someone from Columbus, OH. I get to the office on Monday morning and the phone rings. I answer it, and Ken Wood introduces himself. Ken, a retiring teacher and sales rep, asks for a few minutes of my time. I agree, and I try to field his rapid-fire questioning. Brochures, insurance, logos, how about this, and what about that? A few minutes turned into half an hour. I had to leave for an appointment. "Listen," he says, "I am rarin' to go here. I am closing on my house in Holden Beach, NC, in October. I wanna have this business up and running before then." I tell him that I'll help in any way I can. (I'm just that kind of guy.) "Listen," he says, "I really need to pick your brain. I can be there in about 10 hours." Boom. So Ken leaves Columbus, OH, at 4 in the morning on Tuesday and gets to my office in Murrells Inlet, SC, that afternoon.

We spent some time talking, him asking and me answering. I shared some ideas with him, and he shared some with me. After a couple of hours and some coffee, he started to fade.  He said was beat from the trip (no...really?), so I asked him if he wanted to meet up that evening after he rested up. "Nope," he replied, "How about breakfast in the morning?" I agreed, and watched him drive off in his F-150. The next morning I got a call. "Gotta pass on breakfast, Jack. I'm already in Holden Beach [70 miles away]. I gotta get this business going!"

Ken Wood just had a knee replaced, but he can run circles around me. I have no doubt that this man will hit the ground running and never look back. It was great meeting you, Ken.

Til the next time, I wish all of you Ken Wood's energy.

Much success,


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The current financial opportunity?

I don't want to look at the news. The stock market is bouncing around more than a golf ball on a cart path. The interest rates being paid by the banks...why even bother? My 401k is now a 201f. My house isn't worth what I paid for it. Now, I know I am not alone in this situation because a lot of my friends and family share the same worries and problems that I do. My problems aren't special. I talk to so many people who are in business for themselves, or are in the corporate world. They feel either trapped or terrified. Our parents always seemed to do the same job or have the same career for all of their adult lives. They settled in to a "comfort zone" and rarely took chances on a new direction for their lives. Our generation (and that of our kids) tells a much different story. Nowadays, it's not so strange for people to have four or even five different career changes during their working years. And as technology and constant communication evolve, so do the possibilities that we are presented with. New challenges that we are faced with sometimes almost dare us to change or switch directions every once in a while.

By 2005, I knew that I was burnt out by corporate life. I also knew that I desperately needed a big change. I knew that with my personality and experience, I would be an instant success in whatever I took on! I couldn't lose. Please stop laughing. No...seriously...stop. Thank you.  OK, so I was a little naive. If it were that easy, everybody would be doing it. Wouldn't they? I started Coastal Carolina Home Watch in Murrells Inlet, SC. I am happy to say that I am not only still in business, but I am also feeling pretty good about my future.

Home Watch does seem to be a choice for a lot of people like myself: those who are looking for alternatives. You would be amazed at how many Home Watch companies are Chapter Two in the lives of  people in similar situations. People who wanted to retire, but not really retire. People who may have left the work force a little too early. People who are always looking for that next "new" challenge. People observant enough to see "what is not there... but really should be." These people see an opportunity and realize that Home Watch is a much-needed service that should be made available to absentee homeowners. No doubt about it: they have looked at the possibilities and studied, planned things out and have taken steps to try and guarantee a more secure future for themselves. Instead of waiting to see what might happen to their investments, they have taken a new and exciting direction in their lives.

Home Watch is a great opportunity for the right person. And we have a very big need for accredited members.  We currently have consumer requests for: Saratoga Springs, NY;  Greenville, SC; Northern NJ; North Shore of Chicago; Atlanta, GA;  Minneaoplis, MN; Scottsdale, AZ; Santa Barbara, CA; Kiawah Island, SC; East Hampton, NY; and Puget Sound, WA.

Much success,


Friday, August 5, 2011

The NHWA at 11 months

We here at the NHWA are getting ready to celebrate our one-year anniversary next month. You know, sometimes you really have to step back and evaluate the progress of an undertaking like this. Are we where we expected/wanted/needed to be at this point? What have we learned/changed/aspired to do in our first 11 months of existence? Have we accomplished our goals thus far? 

Well, to start out not even existing, and to be where we are right now, makes me feel kind of proud. We already have members in 13 states (we are announcing a our first member in NJ in a couple of days), and many more in our mentoring and vetting stage at present. Our "how-to guide" is currently being used by over 30 companies either seeking to gain accreditation or looking to found their companies based upon the standards and ethics that are required to be accepted. Our site is consistently visited  by 800 to 900 visitors every 30 days. First-time (unique) visitors always number between 70 to 80 percent, month in and month out. We have had customer inquiries from virtually every state (including Alaska) and a few provinces in Canada. We have software in the works, and have had conversations with security companies looking to work with us. We have and continue to contact insurance companies with the idea of getting a conversation started about discounts for homeowners who employ an accredited Home Watch company. And as I have said many times before, by raising the awareness of these companies as to the importance and value of Home Watch, maybe we won't be made to jump through hoops and pay the premiums that we are paying now.

As I am sure you can guess, I am very excited with our progress. With the exception of a few skeptics and naysayers, our journey has been pretty positive so far. Ask Travis Bumgarner of Florida Estate Management Services in Boca Raton, Florida, if he's excited too. I received an email from him last month in which he let me know that he already has four confirmed NEW clients that came directly from the NHWA. He has only been listed as a member for a couple of months, and his business is located in an area that is in the heart of the "Home Watch Universe." That means that in just 11 short months, membership in the NHWA is carrying some weight and prestige.

And so, I'd like to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone who has supported our efforts to raise the standards of our industry and become accredited, or are currently working towards it. Because of them, I have never felt as positive about what we are striving for as I do right now in our 11th month.

BTW -- Look for some improvements and new features on the website in the next month.

As always, I wish you all much success.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Companies are responding. Plus: Indiana joins the Association.

In my last blog post, I talked about insurance companies and how they don't really understand what we do. This translates to higher premiums and possibly the incorrect coverage. We are currently compiling names of insurance providers who do insure Home Watch. If you'd like to share the name of your company, we'd really appreciate it. I've been contacted in the past by some insurance brokers who were interested in being recognized by the NHWA. If you can help our members (and future members), give us a call. All information will be made available to our members.

BIG NEWS!  I want to congratulate Max Henig of Holiday Home Watch for becoming our first accredited member in the Great State of Indiana. Max has agreed to follow the Code of Ethics and Mission Statement of The NHWA. Holiday Home Watch serves the greater Indianapolis area. I will write more about his company when the site is up and running, which I am told will be very soon. But for now you can e-mail him at

Shhhh! I am keeping something kinda quiet right now, but word has it there's a company that's very close to having a working prototype for a completely interactive Home Watch software program. My source tells me that it will work on all "smartphones" as well as your desktop. My source also tells me that it will do everything but the inspection itself.  Well...maybe not quite everything.  I'll let you know more when I know more.

'Til then...stay cool.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Busy time for Coastal Carolina Home Watch

Greetings, Home Watchers.

As the owner of my own Home Watch company, I have been really busy. (This is a good thing.) That's why I haven't been blogging for a couple of weeks. I have been expanding some of my services and streamlining others. As you probably know, having a business is a juggling act. Especially in today's economy. In order to be successful, you need to constantly monitor and adapt your Home Watch business to your customer's current needs and your business model. If you are smart, you will also try to anticipate changes and trends, so you can stay ahead of the curve (and your competition...).  There are many different opportunities to increase your bottom line and your customer's dependence on your services. Interested in knowing more?

I am also working on a page dedicated to the Canadian Home Watch industry. Google tells me that the companies north of the border are visiting our site very frequently. There are people in Saskatchewan who have viewed the site 10 times in the last 20 days. Quebec, BC and Nova Scotia seem very curious also. Any suggestions for the Canadian info page will be greatly appreciated.

New member applications also continue to come in. Our "how-to" guide is helping start-up companies build their businesses intelligently and ethically. We at the NHWA are looking to build the membership while maintaining the very highest standards. This process is a marathon...not a sprint. Let's take our time and do it right. If you are serious about the Home Watch industry, become a member. Accreditation definitely means something, because prospective customers from Minnesota, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and New Hampshire have contacted us looking for members to hire. And that was in the last 30 days. The NHWA is not going away; it is becoming more and more visible. Being a member is an exclusive selling tool that only members can use when signing new customers. So take a look at the NHWA again. If we can protect our industry, we protect our futures.

As always, I wish you

Much success.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Negative feedback is good. Chutzpah? That's very good!

I'd like to thank the gentleman from the Fort Myers area for the negative comments and accusations that he passed along to me via Email. Please understand that I am grateful for any input whatsoever. So when this gentleman, who was looking to start a Home Watch company, inquired as to why there were no prices listed on the NHWA Website, we emailed him back right away.  He wrote: "The fact that there is no information as to fees available on your website makes me skeptical as to the viability of your company and the benefits you profess to provide."  We didn't want to insult him, but the annual dues are listed very clearly on the Membership Application, which is easily accessed and downloadable by multiple links on our site.  We also thanked him for pointing out that the fees were hard for him to find, and that we would be working with our IT person to see what made sense. I responded with:  "We are working with our IT guy to make it more visible. I won’t, however, plaster the price all over the site. It has been my experience that until a person knows what they are getting for their money, it is very easy to dismiss something based on price."  

Let's face it: Regardless of the product or service, our human nature wants to get the price, before knowing too much else. The VALUE of the product or service becomes irrelevant to the consumer, because a decision is already being made without all of the pertinent information. How many times have we cursed ourselves, because we realized that we had made a decision to buy or belong--nor not to--based on price? I know that I sure have. I will never forgive myself for not getting the sunroof in my first new car. And, yes, I could have bought Google when it was relatively cheap.  Upset with my own short-sightedness, I would often wish that I had gotten all of the information before forming my opinion and ultimately making a decision. The old "Hindsight is 20/20" theory.  Now, the other side of the coin is where someone doesn't understand, or doesn't doesn't bother to look at all of the benefits, so they condemn or bad-mouth the product or service. I've done that myself, too. And so, when the gentleman from the Fort Myers area emailed back: "Found the fee. Can't see that you offer any benefit other than to tell people a home watch service is licensed and bonded, when in fact there are no licensing requirements in Florida other than a local city or county business  license that any 10 year old can get by paying a $50.00  fee. I call that deceptive advertising, but I congratulate you on your chutzpah,**" I smiled. Consider how easily he describes what it takes to form a new Home Watch business in the state of Florida. Do you think it is deceptive advertising to raise the standards of an industry that is so easy to become a part of? I think not. In all seriousness, folks, this is the mindset of a lot of our present and future competitors.

**Chutzpah (Hootz'-pah): a Yiddish word for guts, nerve, moxie, etc. (Think phlegm in your throat when you say it!)

You see, the reason that the NHWA was formed was to accredit businesses that don't look at the Home Watch industry in that manner. We check with consumer agencies for complaints against companies. Applying does not guarantee acceptance. With the amount of new businesses starting up, there are bound to be uninsured or under-insured businesses out there operating with a "local city or county business license that any 10 year old can get by paying a $50 fee." What do they say nowadays? OMG! 

As we build our Association, Members like Bob Myers of Home Watch Group of SWFL and other current Members are enjoying the benefits of membership. They get qualified client leads sent directly from our Website to theirs. Because of their foresight in joining, these Member companies have set themselves apart from the pack.

You know what, guy from the Fort Myers area? It does take CHUTZPAH to take a chance. It does take CHUTZPAH to undertake a project like starting the NHWA. It does take CHUTZPAH be among the first to become a part of something new.

To those of you considering membership, I urge you to consider the attitude of this gentleman who is about to join our ranks.

Thank you, gentleman from the Fort Myers area, for reinforcing exactly why the NHWA is necessary. Oh, and thank you for today's topic. 

Wishing you all lots of chutzpah,


Friday, June 10, 2011

Cape Cod makes the map!


Waterfront Concierge Service of West Dennis, MA, is the only accredited member of the National Home Watch Association on Cape Cod. That is big news, folks!  Lisa D'Amato formed Waterfront Concierge with guidance from the NHWA, and has agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and do business in accordance with our Mission Statement. Lisa felt that because of all of the companies on the Cape, she wanted to raise the bar for the Home Watch industry there and on the South Shore.  Lisa learned of Home Watch when her property in Florida needed care. Like so many people, she had friends and relatives that lived in the area, and any one of them would have been happy to watch her home. Not wanting to burden them, she found a Home Watch company to take care of her place. The Home Watch company did a great job, arranging for contractors and maintaining Lisa's home.
Lisa's background is in the family business of security and fire alarm installation and monitoring. Because she lives on the Cape, and her experiences with Home Watch and security, it was just a matter of time before she decided to form Waterfront Concierge. And we at the NHWA are thrilled that she is now an accredited member. Please visit her website at

I received an excellent e-mail yesterday from a guy named NILS, who I believe is in Florida. Unfortunately, I inadvertently deleted his e-mail, and would love for him to re-send it. Nils from Florida...please resend your question.

Speaking of Florida, a new member will be revealed in my next blog. Enjoy the weekend.

Much success and peace of mind.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Home Watch = Your future!

Greetings and Salutations.

I have been in the business world for a long time. I have worked in NYC, right down 34th St. from the Empire State Building. I loved the electricity of the city, but it wears on you after a while. I changed gears and went into sales management in the auto industry. I worked for General Motors, Toyota and Nissan over a 25-year period. I made a good living, raised the kids, and lost my hair. So I decided to start a new chapter of life in the Low Country of South Carolina. The impetus for starting Coastal Carolina Home Watch was the fact that I needed a Home Watch type service for my vacation home, and I couldn't find anyone to work with. I had no peace of mind whatsoever, because there was no one looking out for me, and I felt helpless being 700 miles away. Yes, there was property management, but they were concerned only with the "common areas".  When I started  researching  Home Watch, there were maybe a handful of companies with websites. I spoke to one or two of them to try to get some advice. One owner in Arizona actually wanted to charge me $300 per hour for consultation. (She still does, by the way....) My point being that there was no help back then, and even today there are people looking to charge you heavily for information. As a businessman, I am certainly not against being paid. Nor do I disagree with being compensated for certain things. But, just starting out, I figured that I could just figure things out as I went along. (More later....)

Home Watch is a great business to be in. Go ahead and do an online search, and without trying very hard you will find way over a thousand companies--a ridiculous amount of growth since I started in 2005. Why is it so popular? Lots of reasons: it's relatively inexpensive to start; no special training is required; low overhead; income potential is limitless (based upon your effort and investment in marketing); and getting a lot of satisfaction from doing a job that is appreciated. And best of all, you set your schedule.

Let's get back to me learning the ropes as I went along. You know what I learned immediately? There were NO ropes!  This business is learned by trial and error. There were no books to study from, no courses to take. As savvy as I thought I was from all of my years in business...well, let me just say that I got seriously bruised up from all of my trials and errors. If I knew then what I know now. Hey, wait a minute. I do know now, what I know now! Am I an expert? Does my brain hold the key? As much as I would like to think so, the answer is, probably not. But just maybe, if you know what I know now, maybe it can save you from learning the hard way what I know now, and not having to not know what I didn't know then. Understand? Knowledge is power. And so is the ability to share ideas with colleagues.

The National Home Watch Association is comprised of companies from across the nation, and hopefully from Canada. Our number is growing stronger by the week. Because of the tremendous increase in the amount of Home Watch businesses, and because there are no "ropes" or standards to adhere to, our membership has decided to take their businesses to a higher level. They want to be ahead of the curve should there come a time when Home Watch is regulated by government. Members hold themselves to a higher code of ethics than non-members. They receive qualified leads directly from the NHWA website, bypassing competitors and distractions alike. They display the NHWA logo proudly. But as important as their marketing is, it does not compare with the knowledge they will gain, and the sense of accomplishment knowing that they are being proactive with their personal and company's future. If you look at the big picture, you'll see that our industry faces many challenges now and will in the future. We can do more as a single voice. We can negotiate and lobby national concerns more effectively as the NHWA than we could with a thousand different voices. And we can protect our futures by distancing ourselves from un- or under-insured businesses who don't share our passion and commitment to our customers that we do.

Home Watch is a great business, with endless opportunities. I highly recommend it for your future direction in life, if it makes sense to you. But, as with all things worthwhile, if it was easy...everyone would be doing it. My thanks to future member Troy W. of Wisconsin for inspiring me to write about this subject.

Have a great weekend. I wish you all

Much success,


Saturday, May 28, 2011

A couple of things: Canada & the guide.

My web guy, Spike Cohen, has designed a logo that will also include the Canadian flag, which will debut very soon. Spike's wife Tasha is from Toronto, so he is very much interested (as am I) in bringing our neighbors to the north into the fold. I have been contacted by many Canadian "Snowbirds" looking for member companies not just in the US, but also in Canada. How about a little feedback from Canadian Home Watch companies? I have heard from Bill Van Vlack a couple of months back, and also companies in Vancouver, Nova Scotia and even Saskatchewan. Let's continue the conversation.

The amount of people inquiring about and getting our "Getting Started' guide is so encouraging. Since the PayPal option is now in place, sales of the guide have been terrific. But I want to be clear about this again: Our goal is to increase membership, not to sell guides. The cost of the guide will be applied to your membership dues. We are mentoring many new companies with this method. Many additional states and locations  will soon be represented in the NHWA.

Come be a part of the NHWA. We are here to help.

Have a terrific Memorial Day weekend.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The inevitable conversation

You are not alone.....

It happens all the time. You are in a conversation with a group of people, and you have the opportunity to tell them what you do, and you do. "I have a Home Watch business," you say, and immediately comes the comment: "Oh. You're a house sitter," or "You do security." Now it's time to explain what you actually do. Then, they tell you what a great idea it is. They invariably tell you: "I thought about doing something just like that!" I have had that conversation hundreds of times. You probably have, too, and if you haven' will.

Here is another one: You are speaking with someone, and you find out that they are part-time residents (absentee owners). You tell them what you do. "Ah, I don't need that. I have a neighbor/brother/uncle cousin/priest/rabbi..........".  Or, "I shut the water off / I have property management / I have never had a problem," or "I live in a gated community."

No matter what we call ourselves, we are all in the Home Watch business. If we are honest with ourselves, we know that we are also salespeople who market our services. All salespeople should be well-versed in their product, demographics, community, and of course, their company. It is important to find the client's need, verify it and then show them how your company and its services will do just that.

Now as far as I am concerned, everyone that I speak to represents an opportunity. Think about that. How? Simple. Everybody knows someone else. Everyone is a potential referral source.  They may not need you, but they go away on trips quite often. They may own a business or work in a field that can recommend you, or do work for you. Or vice about a little "quid pro quo"?

Do you have talking points at the ready? Do you know the latest issues affecting homeowners? Do you know about things happening in other states that might affect you or your clients? Is insurance an issue?

Joining the NHWA is a good business decision. Who knows our business better than other Home Watch business owners? The first time that I met with Bob Myers of Home Watch Group of SWFL, I was amazed and comforted to know that I wasn't alone. He and I compared notes and issues. Funny, but they were the same in Florida as they were by me. When you can be open and share with someone who is not your competition, you will pick up good, honest information. I guarantee it.

Bob's website is averaging 45 - 50 click-throughs from the NHWA website per month. Most are qualified leads. Take a look at what you are spending to get qualified traffic onto your site or to ring your phone. Google "Home Watch" and see what page your business is listed on. Be many pages do you go through when you are searching for any kind of service? Most people never make it to page 2. The NHWA is right up there on top, bypassing most links. Visitors will be directed to NHWA Accredited Members, rather than having to navigate through page after page of listings. How could this kind of visibility and credibility help your business?

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please contact me at the NHWA office. The number is (843) 357-6660. My Email is . You can even use the blog to post something.

More and more states are represented. North Carolina just hit the map. NJ, Maryland, and Ohio are right behind it. Set yourself apart from the pack. Join already. Wishing you

Much success,


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Worth reading again!

This blog was originally posted on October 22nd of last year, yet it is the most frequently viewed. Please take a look at it again and let me know what you think. I also have updated #s to share.

Liability Insurance - Is Home Watch being rated correctly?

Even though we are from all over the country, we all share some common problems. Public education, for example. Even after all of these years of repeating myself, there are still people that think Home Watchis nothing more than "house sitting." As a matter of fact, on Google Adwords, "house sitting" provides a lot of hits to this very site. But I digress. This site is getting a huge response from companies who want to ask about their insurance. There are lots of questions being asked about the disparity in premiums. I am also being contacted by new companies, and people looking to form new companies. The insurance question is a constant theme. So...what can the NHWA do for your company? What's in it for you? Is is worth the money? The answers are obvious: A lot; A lot more than meets the eye; and Absolutely!

As a unified group, we can more strongly negotiate with industries that we do business with, insurance companies being one example. How many of you had to educate your insurance broker and still jump through hoops to secure insurance? I believe that with the amount of Home Watch companies that exist, insurance companies should be able to get a handle on what we do and don't do. They should be able to come up with a symbol for our industry.  What about the Yellow Pages? I am willing to bet that most companies are still being listed under "security". We should rate our own description, don't you think? Southwest Florida, which is the center of the  Home Watch universe, has been given a listing for Home Watch.. But for the rest of us, why should we have to hope that a potential customer thinks enough to look under security or guard services or even maintenance?

There are so many reasons to join the National Home Watch Association, not the least of which is the "Big Picture." Being accredited will separate you from the pack, and give your company the access to more qualified, direct leads. If you've ever looked at what advertising costs (I know I look at my bills every month...), the annual cost is quite a value. FYI - since we launched the website on September 7th, there have been over 900 new visitors to it. Given the fact that only 300 or so companies have been contacted, well--do the math. I currently have leads for many states with no representation.
Since this blog was published many more things have become clear. I have spoken with many more people who, in spite of everything, are still having difficulty even securing insurance. I have heard from many brokers who want to get involved, and have gotten input from our growing membership. Not only should we be recognized equally, but our services should qualify homeowners who use our service for discounts on their premiums.

Statistics from the NHWA website:
  • 796 visits in the last 30 days (676 unique)
  • Average page views per visit: 6.96
  • Average time on site: 03.28 minutes
  • 6509 page view in last 6 months
  • 5178 unique visitors in last 6 months
  • 1178 searches for members in Florida in last 6 months
  • 696 searches for members in California in last 6 months
  • 509 searches for members in Arizona in last 6 months
I can share the rest of the numbers with any members who are interested.

Our membership is growing, as is our mentoring program. Why are you waiting to join?

Much success,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome Plan B Home Services of Cave Creek, AZ!

Greetings all.

Well, Arizona is back on the map. Pete Playman of Plan B Home Services put us at the NHWA through our paces before agreeing to apply for membership. About two months ago, I got an email from Pete asking: "What gives you the right to form an association?  And more important than that, are the companies that are being accredited held to the standards that I hold my company to?" "Holy @#$%!" I said. And that began our conversation.
Pete is very proud to tell people that in the state of Arizona, he is a licensed contractor. That means that he had to pass tests, get issued an ROC number by the State Registrar, and must also pay into a "recovery fund" with the State of AZ, which pays consumers back for any shoddy work done by a contractor who goes out of business. Pete believes in practicing what he preaches, and therefore he peppered me (for quite a while) with a lot of questions before deciding to align Plan B with the National Home Watch Association and finally join. Plan B Home Services serves the Cave Creek, Carefree, Tromonto, Sonoran Foothills, Anthem, North Scottsdale and North Phoenix areas of Arizona. Welcome!

Our "How To" Guide is now in several states, and being sent to more on a daily basis. Rhode Island, Cape Cod, Monterey, Orlando, Sarasota and Naples FL, the Jersey Shore, Coastal Maryland, and Ohio, just to name a few places. The map is filling up. These guides all represent new members.  C'mon and take advantage of what the NHWA has to offer. Join today.

Much success to all,


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our "How to" Guide is helping a lot of new companies!

A few weeks back, I told you all about the large amount of people that contacted us asking for help in starting their new business. So we put together a no-nonsense, real world and easy to follow "how-to" guide. Our goal was to come up with a way for new companies to know the questions for which they need to know the answers, in order to build a solid foundation to grow their businesses as smoothly as possible. Now to be perfectly frank, the information that is shared is based upon a lot of mistakes, miscues and just plain old screw ups that I made while building and operating Coastal Carolina Home Watch (and those made by some other Home Watch companies that shall remain anonymous).  And so, this guide is a compilation of  ideas that worked, and ones that either didn't or did after a lot of trial and error. The guide focuses more on the start-up than the actual operation of your company. The feedback we have gotten on it has been great. After sharing it with all of our members, it was brought to my attention by a few, that the guide gave them lot of ideas that they had not pursued. Having spoken to potential members whose businesses are not performing as they had hoped, I shared some ideas with them that I considered basics, only to find that they were not only not being used, but never even considered. Sometimes just going back to the basics will renew your enthusiasm and creativity, and "spark" a new thought on how to increase your client base and profitability.

I you have anything to add or would like to share, I would love to see your comment.

The NHWA website is getting a  bunch of requests for accredited members in Arizona, California, Florida, Toronto, Cape Cod and the Washington, DC area. I can share the numbers with you. Give us a call if you are interested in learning more about these leads. Clients are waiting for you.

Much success to all.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

We are looking for candidates for the Advisory Board.

Greetings and Salutations to all.

I hope you all survived April Fools Day. I had friends trying to tell me that my hair was starting to grow again. Well, I was born at night...but not last night. The reason for my blog today is that I need to add members to the NHWA Advisory Board. I am looking for representatives from the Southwest, Pacific, Northwest, Midwest, Northeast, and Canada. The stronger the Advisory Board, the more influential we will be in representing the best interests of our members. One of the goals is to work with insurance companies and become recognized as a legitimate reason to lower rates for both our industry, and our clients. Please consider it. It can grow standing in the industry as well as your own business.

Homewatch tip of the day

Add a little olive oil to a garbage disposal every couple of visits to a client's home. This will keep it lubricated during the client's absence.

I am traveling to Augusta, GA to see the Masters. This has been on my "bucket list" for a long time. I think I'll bring my clubs in case one of the players doesn't show................

Much Success,


Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April to all!

Greetings and Salutations,

Is Spring really here? You could have fooled me. Only got to low 60's in South Carolina today. The Northeast is getting pounded with snow once again. It is getting hard to figure. It seems that you can't count on "sure things" anymore. Usually with April, the snowbirds begin to migrate north (always a sure thing). Well that may not happen until the weather has definitely gotten more friendly. This may cut in to your productive (income earning) time.  So, why not take that time to go and secure a few more clients. I have gotten word that some Home Watch companies are not accepting new customers. Wow! Now that is some problem to have. Too many clients. So... there are plenty of opportunities to meet people and bolster you client baser. Are you making the right decisions regarding advertising and marketing? Is your website getting looked at, or are you so far down the list that you'll never be found? You need to be honest with yourself. To paraphrase a famous quote: " The definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over but keep expecting a different outcome." If your business has hit a plateau or is starting to stagnate, contact the NHWA. We are here to help you grow your business, enhance your reputation and solidify the membership with good, quality people and ethically responsible Home Watch businesses. If you join now, you'll even receive our new guide on how to set up a Home Watch business. It is no fluff, just good solid ideas. So what if you already have a business? Even Tiger and Phil have swing coaches. If you are just starting up, purchase the guide, and the cost will be applied to your membership once you qualify.

Our members are privy to shared information that only helps the way we do and don't do business. I had a conversation today with NHWA member Wanda Rogers of Allegiant Property Watch in California. She is about to try something that I started a few months ago. We shared ideas, and I think that we each learned something. I spoke with Debbie in Arizona. She knows that she can do better. Kevin in Florida has taken a side job, because his business is not working out. So I asked him some basic questions. His answers tell me that we can help him! Let us re-energize you with ideas and shared knowledge from all over the country. The Home Watch industry is growing so fast that if we are not careful, bad things might happen due to unscrupulous companies, and we will all be affected. Join us. The NHWA is good for our industry.Thanks for reading.

Become a follower. Become a Member.


PS - I will be at the Masters next week. No...I am not playing! And that is NO April Fools!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Homeowners take note!

So I'm reading the paper last week, and I see an article about vacant homes and how insurance companies have a lot of fine print in their policies. Did you know that your homeowners insurance company can raise your premium up to 60% if your home is unoccupied for a certain amount of time? Did you know that your homeowners insurance can actually be cancelled? A lot of bad things can happen when your house is empty. We at the NHWA suggest that even if you are gone for as little as a week, make arrangements for someone to check on your residence. Take a look at this article in the"Insurance Journal". State insurance commissioners are warning homeowners to be very careful. While this article addresses abandonment and properties that are for sale, it also suggests that if interpreted differently, it could adversely affect homeowners who are at another location. Let's face facts, when a home is empty and not being cared for, a lot of things can happen and not be discovered until someone returns home. You can trust the accredited members of the National Home Watch Association to care for your home like it was theirs. If you have a Home Watch provider, ask them if they are accredited. If you are ready to hire, ask. Only companies with proper insurance, no consumer complaints and the highest ethics are able to join.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Florida Estate Management Services of West Palm Beach, Florida renews their membership!

Travis Bumgarner and his company, Florida Estate Management Services  of West Palm Beach are now fully accredited by the National Home Watch Association. Florida Estate Management Services serves  Boca Raton, Palm Beach,  Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter and the surrounding towns. Travis has a well established and highly successful Home Watch and property management company. The staff is very knowledgeable and customer driven. Travis takes our business very seriously, and does not sub-contract any inspections. We are thrilled that they are members, and are glad that their experience and knowledge is a part of the NHWA.

Much success to all,


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lots of Responses

Greetings and salutations!

The National Home Watch Association's "how to" guide that we compiled to instruct people who are going to start a Home Watch business is being requested at a good rate. We are now emailing a down loadable version out to applicants. This is a wonderful opportunity for all Home Watch companies to review certain things that they may or may not be doing. The guide is free to members. For prospective members, the cost is $185, but that amount will be applied to your membership dues when they qualify for membership. So it is essentially free for those people also.
For those of you who are still sitting on the fence about joining: Why wouldn't you want to be the first in your county or even your state to gain accreditation, Internet presence (more customers will see you), and knowledge that only members of the NHWA are entitled to?  Nothing will change until YOU make the effort to change. I leave you with this quote:

    The Future?  The things that got us here will not get us there. –  Peter Drucker

Wishing all of you much success,


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We're on Facebook!

Please join us on Facebook:  Or you can just go to the page for National Home Watch Association.  Click on the "Like" button.  We're sharing our Blog posts there as well.

Hope to see you there!


What great feedback we get!

The NHWA gets some really incredible feedback from our website and the analytics that help us interpret it. This data is so valuable to us. We'd love to share it with all of you, but obviously the information is for "Members Only". (I am such a tease.) I will share some raw numbers. Since the site's launch, we have had over 20,000 page views. Yes, I said 20,000. Granted, there are going to be some repeat visitors in that count, but wow. That is in less than 6 months. The top ten most popular states that got requests for information about accredited members were:
  1. Florida
  2. California
  3. South Carolina
  4. Arizona
  5. Massachusetts
  6. Texas
  7. New York
  8. North Carolina
  9. Nevada
  10. New Jersey
The rest of the states are all very close. Ontario is also a very popular search.

It is time to take notice of the NHWA. Becoming a member will do so much for your company. You will be a part of something greater. As a voice representing our industry, we can make things happen.

The insurance industry needs to take notice and begin to regulate and lower our Home Watch insurance liability premiums. They should give discounts to homeowners who use our services. Insurance is just one of the issues that face our industry.

It's time for you to join and take advantage of all of the benefits of membership.

Much success,


Thursday, March 10, 2011

We are hearing from all over the country!

Enrollment in our Home Watch Start Up education program is growing quickly. We are sending out the guide to people who are planning to open a new Home Watch business. The great thing is that the cost of the material will be applied to the cost of their membership once they are eligible to join. Talk about a win-win situation! The written material is comprehensive and will save you a lot of time and money while you are setting up. We also offer one-on-one counseling for participants. If you already have a business but can't seem to get it, going this guide might point out where you've gone wrong or something that you haven't done. Give us a call to enroll at (843) 357-6660

Oh, and by the way...what are you waiting for? Join already.

Much success,


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are you trying to start a Home Watch?

We have been inundated by requests from people looking to start a business. Well, the NHWA can now help you. We have compiled a "how to" in a very easy to follow format. The guide gets you to ask the necessary questions so you'll have the answers you need to start up, get the right insurance, market and advertise effectively, and so on, and so on.... In conjunction with the guide, you'll be encouraged to call or Email with questions, problems and to ask advise of us.   Please call or Email to let us know if you are interested in the course. We are taking orders right now.

If March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, does that mean that Home Watch is over for the year? I guess that depends on if your customers are coming or going,  now doesn't it? Every day provides new opportunities for our industry. I am currently working on a plan that will tie the NHWA in with national concerns that could impact Home Watch in a positive way. Stay tuned.
Much success,


"Twenty percent of the people are against everything all of the time." - Robert Kennedy

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are you pressing the right buttons?

How is business? Are you capitalizing on all of your opportunities? Are you trying to create new inroads with different sources of potential customers? How truly effective is your website? Is it bringing customers to you? Can you be found on the first page of Google or Yahoo? Have you been successful in branding your company?
These are some of the topics that are discussed among members of the National Home Watch Association. Please join in the conversation. Ask the questions that you need to ask, and get answers from people who truly understand the questions you are asking. Contact the NHWA today.

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."  -  Abert Einstein

Much success,


Friday, February 4, 2011

Hey Florida Home Watchers.....

Hey Florida Home Watchers.....Did you know that in the past 30 days the NHWA Member Search for Florida companies has had close to 300 Hits? Did you know that member companies had 29 click throughs to their websites? The National Home Watch Association website is a great selling feature, lends additional credibility, and is a great value to get qualified leads to your site.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We need some feedback! Tell us what you think!

I know that people are reading the blog. All I have to do is look at my Google Analytics, and it shows me how many and when. What I need to know is what you think. What would you like to say? What are some of the topics that you would like to have some discussion about? Share your opinion. Tell us why you haven't joined yet. We really need feedback. Tell us what is on your mind.

Much success,


Monday, January 24, 2011

Marketing exposes problems

Greetings to all.

So here I am, trying to compile a mailing list of potential members. It's tedious and time consuming, and to be honest...not a whole lot of fun. I've got my assistant Faith working with me going page by page through Google searching. Home this, absentee that, property check here, home concierge there... Well, I'm sure you get the point. People have been telling me to get a hold of mail marketing / direct mail companies to do the research. After all, they have the know how to gather all of the information that I need to find all of the Home Watch companies in the US and Canada. So I contact a couple of them. After about a week, I get an email from one of them asking for my help in finding a category for Home Watch on a list from Dun & Bradstreet containing "S.I.C.'s" which is short for Standard Industry Codes. An S.I.C. is designated by the federal government. And...wait for it...the list has not been updated since 1997! According to the S.I.C. number given to Coastal Carolina Home Watch (my own company), Home Watch is a "wholesale distibutor of durable goods". Huh? Given the fact that there is no designation for Home Watch, or absentee this and property that...well, is it any wonder that insurance companies, credit lenders and worst of all, clients might have trouble knowing what we actually do? Of course, we need to get our own designation, but that does not solve the current problem.
This is one of the many issues that we face. How do we know if this is contributing to some of the hurdles and obstacles that we are being forced to navigate around? I can tell you that there is strength in numbers. Help us gain ground and be recognized for what we do. Send in your application to become accredited and join the NHWA.

Much success,


Welcome Massachusetts !

Dana Salo of Salo Home Watch became the first accredited Home Watch company in the great state of Massachusetts last week. Though Salo Home Watch is a relatively new company, Dana is looking to grow his business under the auspices and guidance of the NHWA. Like many of our colleagues, Dana will be starting "chapter two" of his professional life soon, and  Home Watch is what he has chosen to pursue. Salo Home Watch is located in Gloucester which is on the coast north of Boston. Contact him at  Best of luck!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Greetings from the snowy beaches of South Carolina

Greetings and salutations.

Wow is it cold here. It's not supposed to snow here....but it did. I got rid of my snow shovel when I moved here from NJ. Frozen pipes, fallen limbs, power outages are all huge concerns down here. It's those unexpected happenings that make our industry necessary. No matter how much you plan, think ahead and take precautions, stuff still happens. You are in Pittsburgh or Seattle or Canada for that matter, and your vacation home is empty.  You've given your neighbor down the street a key to get in "just in case". Are you feeling confident enough to know that any emergencies will be taken care of? What if your neighbor is away, or sick, or just plain forgets to check? Can you hold him accountable if he was doing you a favor by holding the key? Of course you can't.
Hiring an accredited Home Watch company that specializes in taking care of vacant condos and homes is a "no-brainer".  The NHWA checks out the credentials and coverages of potential members. Member companies have the knowledge and good judgement to make "on the spot" decisions that could potentially save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary damages and wasted time. You'll have confidence in knowing that someone is looking out for your best interests. Absentee and part-time residents shouldn't leave things to chance.

Happy 2011 to all y'all

A very cold...Jack